Bad Drip Now Available!
Bad Drip Labs based out of New York has brought several delicious e-liquid brands to the market! Their flagship line, Bad Drip, gained popularity not only because of the delicious flavors offered, but also for the unique packaging and flavor descriptions!
Bad Drip
Bad Blood - From the RV, to BAD DRiP LaBS…We coOked up tHis crysTaL BLUEBERRY persuasiON, spaTTered with the bLOod of a POMEGRANATE, hiT oFF with a TRace VANiLLA dusTing.
Cereal Trip - CoNceiveD frOm the TEar dROps of crying CLoWNs is your Daddy’s faVOriTE FRUiT CEREAL, sLaThered on tOp of a gOoey fRosted DONUT
Don't Care Bear - ThE RiNGMasTer's aDDiCTion…ciRcus sPUN COTTON CANDY fLOSs, spaTTered wiTH caNDied RAZZBERRY niGHTmare
Farley's Gnarly Sauce - Based oFF tHe reciPe oLder than BoB RosS’s painTbrush, we piLE-drived Tangy KiWi (The fruiT, noT the birD) into the heaRT of psychedeLic STRAWBERRIES dipPed in a Light bubBLegum necTar.
Ugly Butter - They doN’T caLL iT ugLy for noThing… Uncle FreDDy’s famOus, fancy FRiED DOUGH, sHOwered wiTh carnivaL cuLTivaTed CiNNAMON-SUGAR, sereNADed with a cosBy-quaLity BANANA puddiNg.
Crush - aN ONSLaUGHT of ORANGE, cRUshed with a Ton of taTTered, TANGERINE tittLes, brewed with stomach SODA in THe belly Of a red-nOsed buFFoon
Drooly - GiLLy waGOn siLLy sLoBBered GOBSTOPPERS, cHomped, chEWed, and DrOOLed inTo a GRAPE-BERRY faCE paiNT pOoL
Laffy - ALL jOkes asiDE...sTiCKy, iCKy, sTringy, BLUEBERRY TAFFY sTrands, dOused wiTH gOoEY GRAPE ruBBer cHiCKen bLOod
Skitzo - FreSH frOm the CanDY BuTCher… sLashed and sLAughTered GREEN APPLES, sUBmerged in a maniAcAL, MOLTEN CARAMEL, sPLashed
Sweet Tooth - ThE RiNGMasTer's aDDiCTion…ciRcus sPUN COTTON CANDY fLOSs, spaTTered wiTH caNDied RAZZBERRY niGHTmare
Twisty - GyPsy TramPLed RAZZ-BERRY cOncOCTioN, cOnTORTed inTO a fResh YOGURT siDeshOW masquerade
Director's Cut
My Undead Girlfriend - PiNEAppLe || aPPLe || STrawbeRRY hArd candy
Nancy's New Nightmare - BeLgian wAFFLe || peCAn || HaZELnuT || saLTed caramel
The Devil Inside - WaTermeLon || miXed beRRy || GReeN apple
Geeked Out
Brace Face - DenTAL Dana's ToOTH tOrturiNG STRAWBERRiES, sTrapped wiTH mOuTH manGLinG MANGOS, aNd an oVERbiTE
Dork Breath - SMELLy Stanley's pUNgenTLY poWerfuL WATERMELON, suBTLy stanched wiTH LinGERinG LEMONADE.
Snot Shot - BoB the sLOB's mucOus meLTinG APPLE, oOzing witH a Sludgy, sLiMY PEAR, cLinGiNG to gOoey gLoBS of KiWi.
Lemon Dead
Lemon Dead - REST iN PiECES…diSmembered and dRaiNed LEMON remAins, spRiNkLed wiTh a suGary SWEET-TART duST.
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