HCV Press Release 5/12/2016
Walker Trading Co Inc and Hardcore Vapers BV Unite to Keep the Juice Flowing
Powerful Worldwide Bottling Capability Enables American brands to sell EU TPD-compliant e-liquid.
Baltimore, Maryland – (May 9, 2016) — Walker Trading Company Inc, a leader in the vape industry, (known for brands such as Charlie Noble™, Vape Dojo®, Vapes Wholesale™, and JMFD™) today announced that it has begun the transaction to mutually exchange partial ownership shares with Hardcore Vapers, BV (Amsterdam, Netherlands, a global wholesale distributor based in Europe). The two companies’ combined organizational capabilities and co-branding deliver an unprecedented geographic reach for wholesale vape products, and e-liquid manufacturing, and distribution. This is a giant leap forward for the vape community and industry.
“Many retail vapor outlets around the world deal with the logistical challenges of procuring inventory. In the past, this involved importing e-liquid and gear from overseas and from many different vendors. With this trans-Atlantic partnership, we will be able to locally offer EU retailers the e-liquids customers demand while ensuring that they are TPD compliant. Through foreign investment, we hope to further advance the vapor community in Europe. As for our North American customers, they will continue to receive excellent e-liquids from our Baltimore bottling facility, as well as exciting new e-liquids from Europe, bottled in the United States,” said Bryan Walker, CEO and founder of Walker Trading Co Inc.
“This partnership makes sense, as the capabilities of the two companies are industry leading and clearly very complementary,” said Dylan Valkenhoff, co-founder, Hardcore Vapers BV. “This partnership creates opportunities for economies of scale in marketing, manufacturing, and distribution that will enable us to be the price and quality leader on both sides of the Atlantic. This is huge for EU vaping.”
“We have entered an age of self-policing market professionalism in e-liquid manufacturing. Today’s vapor customers demand that their e-liquid is produced in certified clean environments and are increasingly looking to the well-known e-liquid brands to deliver on this promise.”
About Walker Trading Company Inc.
Walker Trading Company Inc has helped over 300,000 consumers and retailers find the vapor products they need. Walker Trading Company Inc is headquartered in Maryland with offices in Amsterdam. Stay connected with WTCI’s brands on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Walker Trading Company Inc, Vape Dojo, Charlie Noble, and JMFD are trademarks of Walker Trading Company Inc. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
About Hardcore Vapers BV
Hardcore Vapers is a global wholesale device leader, delivering high end, desirable vape gear. Hardcore Vapers delivers value to customers worldwide with a superior product catalog and customer support. For additional information, go to www.hardcorevapers.com.